Finský National Institute for Health and Welfare připravil na 6. 11. 2024 webinář s názvem Core Competency Model of Suicide Prevention. Níže naleznete pozvání a podrobnosti k této akci.
Core Competency Model of Suicide Prevention will be held in Teams on 6.11.2024 1.00-2.15 pm EET. Registration:
Core Competency Model of Suicide Prevention
Suicide prevention requires strengthening and more new methods. Professor Robert Cramer will be giving a lecture on the Core Competency Model of Suicide Prevention, focusing on evidence and updates. The talk will introduce the Core Competency Model of Suicide Prevention Training for healthcare providers, leading to recommendations for entry-level training for healthcare students and practitioners. Professor Cramer’s research interests include suicide prevention (especially among vulnerable populations), and prevention and intervention design (e.g., training for healthcare professionals).
The webinar provides current information to mental health professionals in wellbeing services counties, higher education organizations, NGOs, and other actors. The webinar is open to all actors in the field of mental health and suicide prevention as well as other interested.
Welcome to learn about Suicide Prevention Competencies!
13.00 Opening words
13.05 Professor Robert Cramer, UNC Charlotte: Core Competencies for Suicide Prevention: Evidence and Updates
13.50 Q&A